In my opinion, this is the best website to use for identifying fonts. If identifying a font in Photoshop didn’t bring you any satisfying results, maybe this option will! There are already many websites out there that can identify fonts from images, and I’ve made a selection of some that I’ve used and think are the best so far. If you’ve had no luck with this option, it’s time to get to the next step: sites where you can identify a font! 2. For now, it’s safe to say that this tool is quite fast and helpful, and it should be your first step in identifying a font. Hopefully this option will be available in the future. It unfortunately doesn’t search online, for all the fonts available. One important thing to mention about the Match Font tool is that it only identifies with fonts you already have in your system and fonts available on the former Typekit, now Adobe Fonts.
The bottom tab is the first font from the list applied to the text, to see if it’s a match.You can see that we’ve managed to find an exact match here On the right side we have the Match Font tool, which is showing fonts that are similar to our selection.In the first tab it’s the image I’ve used for identifying the font, with the text framed in using the Match Font’s frame.I’ve used a picture that has the text “ALPHA” written on it, in a futuristic font. Now you will just have to edit and reposition the frame up until a suitable match is found. But the results you’ll get may not be the best matches, yet. The tool will already start to show you font results as soon as you first edit the frame. Start working with that frame until you’ve place your text inside it. When the new window has opened, a frame over the image will also be placed. Now, once you’ve opened the image, go to Type > Match Font… to activate the tool. The better the picture, the much higher chance of identifying your font. First of all, open in Photoshop the image on which you want to identify a font. The “Match Font…” tool was introduced in Photoshop’s version CC 2015.5, any version newer than that one should have it in. See a screenshot below on where you can find it: The tool is called “Match Font…” and it’s available in the toolbar, under the “Type” option.
It’s a standard option in Photoshop, therefore you won’t need to install anything as it’s already there. I have only recently discovered myself that you can actually do that, and the tool is really easy to use. Let’s start with the most handy tool, which is identifying a font directly in Photoshop. I am going to structure this article in 3 main chapters:
We all go through the frustration of not knowing the name of the fonts used in some designs, so I thought of writing an article on how to identify a font in Photoshop and online! Here we’re going to talk about what options we have to find the fonts we see in designs and what’s the best way to do it.